Garden Views-07-July 2011

Garden Views – July 11

Distant views before the ‘lawn’ was cut 18/07/11

Terrace garden 23/07/11

Foliage, Flowers and hips in the shrubbery 31/07/11

Clematis ‘Blue Angel’ and Black Elder ‘Black Lace’ 30/07/11

A strangely successful combination given the garden’s altitude and location..South African Agapanthus self seeded and self seeded coastal yellow-horned poppy 31/07/11

Climbing Rosa ‘Mermaid’ 31/07/11

Moody July sky and evening light 28/07/11

Clematis ‘Star of India’ and Buddleia ‘Adonis Blue’ 31/07/11

Croquet lawn long border 30/07/11

Native Broad-leaved Helleborine flowering in our fields for the first time 31/07/11

Hydrangea serrata – developing colours of leaves and flowers 29/07/11

Stachys in the terrace garden 18/07/11

At last success with sweet peas….from autumn sowing, 12/07/11

After several years of fiddling with what to plant in containers, this is now one of our preferred low maintenance planting schemes….Persicaria vaccinifolia to tumble over the edge, give some frost protection and hide a multitude of pot variations, Viola cornutata white, Campanula poscharskyana, with Narcissus ‘Pipit’ and Tulip ‘Sweetheart’ 12/07/11

A raven on its evening flight to roost 8/08/11……you’ll need to enlarge the scene  to pick out the bird!

Beautiful variations in green on the new pine needles of an unknown seedling pine 12/07/11

Sambuccus nigra ‘Black Lace’ and Persicaria ambiplexicaulis var.pendula 13/07/11

Oregon Sugar Pod Mange-tout peas and distant hills 03/07/11

Coreopsis and Paul’s Himalayan Musk rose 3/07/11

The view from the small kitchen window on a warm, still and hazy July morning 9/07/11

This area is pervaded with a honeyed scent just now, from allowing all the white clover in the ‘lawn’ to flower, along with selfheal, buttercups and daisies. Of course the bumblebees appreciate our decision not to keep the lawn trimmed below flower level! 8/07/11

A little later than the other roses into bloom, and no scent, but what pretty roses in profusion, and bullet proof foliage from Rose ‘Bonica’ 8/07/11

A chance planting combination….bulking up a strong red Astilbe bought last year, in a tyre with a self sown blue borage growing just beside it…worth repeating I think. 10/07/11

Hydrangeas and Geraniums beyond the mossy croquet lawn 9/07/11

Terrace Garden 2/07/11

Copse with white Violas 2/07/11

Copse View 2/07/11

Longhouse border 2/07/11

Astrantia and Heuchera flowers 2/07/11

Rose Felicite et Perpetue growing through Mountain Ash 2/07/11

Clematis ‘Betty Corning’ and Rose Pul’s Himalayan Musk 2/07/11

Terrace garden 2/07/11

Shady, dry Geraniums 02/07/11

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